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BK Holistic Life Coach Books

What Makes “Making Quantum Leaps & Knowing Zero Limits” Different to Other Self-Help Books


This book is a comprehensive combination of three books in one. It goes holistically hand in hand with my website, covering all aspects of life. I believe this book is the cream of the crop. A one stop, full of tips and knowledge without too much repetition of the content just to fill in the pages.


It also offers opportunity to quick recaps at the end of each chapter. Each Chapter flows onto the next whilst inspiring to evolve, building motivation every step of the way. Readers are promised to feel in rapport with the author throughout their journey.


Personal Experience

My Personal Experiences and Professional Background take people on a journey to explore themselves and explore the world around them further in as much depth as they wish.  This in return allows people to live a more present, positive and balanced lifestyle as they can quickly recognise the ‘triggers’ in their life and how to manage and overcome them effectively.


I became a “life coach” following my long career as a “coaching tutor” for many years in education, gaining amazing experience, I felt absolutely thrilled by the magic of helping others to get to their utopia. I had become a coaching tutor because I had personally gone through periods of isolations where I did not have anyone to turn to for support.


It is Important to establish a deeper connection with oneself, instead of falling into a trap of filling in endless voids. From these students and various clients and many others, I continue to learn new things each day and expand my own ideas about what it means to live a fully creative meaning a purposeful life.

Understandably inspiring from dreams to reality is an intangible concept for most people in general. Winning in Personal, Professional, Business or Social life starts with a winning mind-set.


I believe if you are going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big & positive as it takes same amount of energy if not less!


The following are chapters from the main book:


The Art of Giving & Receiving helps us to focus on things that really matter as we are all temporary visitors on this Earth and the truth is the only thing that lives on!... is our kindness "I expect to pass through this world, but once; any good thing therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way ...


B.K. Hayer explains how the following quote “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”, literally helped change her attitude towards worrying and her life itself. What happen when we look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs in reverse order? turning the triangle upside down....


The Art of Making Small Talk has a way of connecting with individuals at the beginning of a personal or a professional relationship. Don't be anxious if you find the idea of engaging in small talk intimidating; remember you're not the only one, a lot of individuals share ... Asking open questions, listening inattentively to what they have to say and trying to find common points of interest...


B.K. Hayer takes Napoleon Hills theory into account and encourages the readers to Make a quantum leap right now and know that the starting point of all achievement is Desire: Not merely just hoping or wishing! But Deep “DESIRE”! The first step towards Riches followed by most of the topics …


 This chapter emphasises the importance of body language and the actual % of its impact to raise awareness in our everyday communication…and helps to create that charisma!

“The soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond, and must be polished, or the lustre of it will never appear”- Daniel Defoe

More about BK Holistic Life Coach Books

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