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A “Surviver” to A “Thriver”

What does a Gratifying “Thriving & Abundant” Woman Look Like?

She has a belief of being deserving and worthy of investing in herself in order to achieve the realm of holistic thrival.

Empower Yourself to Live a (Full on) Holistic Life
  • Initially: She is being Unique, Blessed, & Extremely Grateful for all that she has and all that her exciting future has in store for her too.

  • Further Building: She is being Unafraid, Bold, Courageous & Confident. Being worthy of investing time and energy in herself.

  • Ultimately Achieving: She Believes that “Faith & Fear” cannot be in the same place at the same time. She is supporting of other women because “we are stronger together than apart”. She Celebrates Other Successful Women like a Real Modern Woman should.

The Difference Between The “Survivor” & The “Thriver” in a Nutshell: 

Exceptional Support to Empowering Women from “A Survival to A Thrival Mode”
  1. She is not without flaws, and she owns her mistakes. She Practices self-love, and knows her life and voice are valuable.

  2. She focuses on her failures, is a self-critic

  3. She is Unwavering and Grounded. Full of Self Knowledge

  4. She can be unaware of what makes her sad or happy or what motivates her

  5. She is Persistent in being her very best self and has Self-Belief. She is a Go Getter! 

  6. She does things for a short while and then gives up.

  7. She is full of love and light, she has a positive, happy, and fun vibe! She has the Happy Go Lucky Approach

  8. She can be bitter saying things like “story of my life” or “it would happen to me”.

  9. She is Full of Faith, is Unique & does not Compare herself with anyone else.  She is her own Brand! She is “The Woman King!” (a movie to watch) in her own world.

  10. She likes to fit in! often takes part in gossip for entertainment, she can also be a couch potato.

  11. She is An Entrepreneur & A Trend Setter.

  12. She likes to be safe and lives to fit in with others, worries about what people might think or say. Does not recognise her own deep passion/s.

  13. She is Able to take Calculated Risks and makes her own Decisions and is Courageous and Authentic in her Own Right. Does not really enjoy her own company, feels lost without others.

Empower Yourself to Live a (Full on) Holistic Life
  1. She is aware that her life has been full of experiences that have shaped her into the powerful woman that she is today. 

  2. She focuses on her bad experiences and how life has not been fair. 

  3. She is able to feel “Balanced & Abundant” in all areas/Spheres of her Life.

  4. She Thinks, Weighs & Measures in terms of Money Benefits only.

  5. She is Persistence & Disciplined (has Self-Control) and is Contagious.

  6. She tends to follows other people and what they say and do.  Can be Peer Pressured easily.

  7. She is Never a Victim, but a Warrior, Survivor, Motivator, & an Influencer!

  8. She sees herself as the victim. She is Non-Reflective and is Judgmental.

  9. She is Reflective and Non-judgmental toward others and herself. She does not count the no of times she has fallen, but measures herself by all the times she has picked herself up and moved forward. Getting Stronger each time!

  10. Often she is the first one to judge people, she not very sympathetic or empathetic (Judges the book by its cover) she is quick to put people in boxes (categories) and to label them.

  11. She is An Active Listener, an Un-measuring Giver, & an Empathetic Nurturer.

  12. She often misses the point of a good conversation.  She tends to Practices Conditional Love.

  13. She is Intuitive and is Aware when the Universe is trying to teach her something and she embraces the messages. She Keeps Repeating Mistakes again and again works on autopilot and does not really Recognise or Change her Approach to Achieve Different Results but Always Complains

Click on the Link Below to Read about Common "Reality/Survival Women" Energy Expressions/ Spheres


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