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Success Stories

Aliya went Away & Overcame Her Own Barriers & Now After 10 Years Achieved Beyond All Expectations


A Yorkshire woman who has represented the UK on the World Stage 2023.


2013 Seed Was Planted: Aliya in Her Own Words


“At the time I was preparing to compete in a Bodybuilding contest the following year. To help me prepare for this B.K. helped me to break down the different stages by looking at my weaknesses and strengths and working to bring congruence between both the inner and the outer game of focus.


B.K. then helped me to work on eliminating my weaknesses one by one building my confidence. This also helped me to realise how I could work towards some of my other goals too. We worked through different strategies like doing mind maps, reading articles, creating positive affirmations and SMART action plan timetable etc. This helped me to motivate and strengthen me mentally which was very important part as bodybuilding requires mental strength to stay focused.


This process allowed me to take one step at a time, while channelling my energies in the right direction and being in control, rather than overwhelming myself and getting stressed as this will be my first time competing in Bodybuilding. There will be challenges ahead however thanks to B.K. I feel well equipped to face them head on.”


Who do we work with?


So, as you can tell from the above example that life coaching with us is for anyone wanting results in any area/sphere of their life, we welcome and support any woman who thinks she deserves and is worthy of making a “Quantum Leap” from “Survival to Thrivel” in any topic she/you feel she/you require help and support in.


We Work in Co-production (Hand in Hand) With You:


This means we work with you, taking your likes and dislikes into account and you can have as much support or as little as you like in each and any area of the above areas/parts of your life.


Our Unique & Measurable Approach:


As a holistic approach we have also developed a “Unique & Measurable” way to literally calculate your energy levels for 6 different areas/spheres of your life giving you measurable results that are changeable while your focus enhances in achieving the results that you want to see in your life to Grow & Evolve further.


We literally help you measure your current levels of energy in the seven mentioned areas/spheres and work to improve and enhance it so that you can see the measurable results changing while your focus enhances in achieving the results that you want to see in your life.

Another Young Lady Inspired by Author


Yorkshire woman's new book highlights Covid issues for kids.

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Our Approach
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